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The College is comprised of the following categories of Membership

Foundation Fellows

They shall be persons who were admitted as Fellows of the College on its inauguration and who possess qualifications entitling them to be registered in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Honorary Fellows

They shall be professionals of high distinction in the Medical Professions and such other eminent persons, whether or not members of the Medical profession, as the College may in its absolute discretion decide to honor.

Overseas Fellows

They shall be Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialists practicing outside the constituent member countries of the College. (i) Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialists working on contracts in the constituent member countries of the College shall be eligible to local Fellowship if they meet the election criteria and shall apply for fellowship through the respective country representative. (ii) On completion of their local contracts shall revert to Overseas Fellow status if they wish to maintain their Fellowship of the College.

Associate Members

They shall be Medical Practitioners who have commenced their post-graduate training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, or allied professions. Candidates for admission as Associate Members shall be proposed and seconded by Fellows of the College in writing on prescribed forms and accompanied by supporting letters from the proposer and seconder. The Council of the College shall carry out election of Associate Members.

Ordinary Fellows

They shall be Medical Practitioners who have satisfactorily completed their Postgraduate Training and have passed the prescribed examinations in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and related specialties of the College, or have been awarded a Fellowship by election, having satisfied the Council of the College that they possess qualifications entitling them to be Fellows of the College


They shall be Medical Specialists who have satisfactorily completed their specialist Obstetrics and Gynaecology Training in Institutions other than the College and elected into Membership having satisfied the Council of the College that they possess qualifications entitling them to be Member-Specialists of the College.

Ordinary Members

They shall be Medical Practitioners who have satisfactorily completed their basic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Training and have passed the prescribed membership examinations in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and related specialties of the College.

Affiliate Members

They shall be health professionals who have made such a contribution to the practice of Obstetrics and Gynaecology as the Council of the College may deem acceptable.